44 citations to 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.153901 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Rustam Mullyadzhanov, Andrey Gelash, “Direct scattering transform of large wave packets”, Opt. Lett., 44, № 21, 2019, 5298  crossref
  2. Yutian Wang, Songnian Fu, Ming Tang, Jian Kong, Xiahui Tang, Luming Zhao, 2022 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 2022, 944  crossref
  3. E.V. Sedov, I.S. Chekhovskoy, J.E. Prilepsky, M.P. Fedoruk, “Application of neural networks to determine the discrete spectrum of the direct Zakharov – Shabat problem”, Quantum Electron., 50, № 12, 2020, 1105  crossref
  4. Filip Novkoski, Chi-Tuong Pham, Eric Falcon, “Experimental observation of periodic Korteweg-de Vries solitons along a torus of fluid”, EPL, 139, № 5, 2022, 53003  crossref
  5. Rustam Mullyadzhanov, Andrey Gelash, “Solitons in a Box-Shaped Wave Field with Noise: Perturbation Theory and Statistics”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, № 23, 2021, 234101  crossref
  6. Baoyong Guo, “Lax integrability and soliton solutions of the (2 + 1)- dimensional Kadomtsev– Petviashvili– Sawada–Kotera– Ramani equation”, Front. Phys., 10, 2022, 1067405  crossref
  7. Zhi-Yuan Sun, Xin Yu, Yu-Jie Feng, “Coexistence of Gaussian and non-Gaussian statistics in vector integrable turbulence”, Phys. Rev. E, 108, № 5, 2023, 054211  crossref
  8. Weida Xia, Yuxiang Ma, Guohai Dong, Jie Zhang, Xiaozhou Ma, “Emergence of Solitons from Irregular Waves in Deep Water”, JMSE, 9, № 12, 2021, 1369  crossref
  9. N Akhmediev, J M Soto-Crespo, “The IST spectral portraits of the first order doubly periodic solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation”, Phys. Scr., 95, № 11, 2020, 115202  crossref
  10. Jingwen Li, Zhichao Wu, Jing Zhang, Xiang Li, Tianye Huang, CLEO 2023, 2023, JTh2A.120  crossref