26 citations to 10.1007/s10898-008-9279-9 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Satit Saejung, “A supplement to a regularization method for the proximal point algorithm”, J Glob Optim, 56, № 1, 2013, 121  crossref
  2. D. R. Sahu, Qamrul Hasan Ansari, Nonlinear Analysis, 2014, 199  crossref
  3. Truong Minh Tuyen, “A cyclic iterative method for solving a class of variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces”, Optimization, 67, № 10, 2018, 1769  crossref
  4. Xinkuan Chai, Bo Li, Yisheng Song, “Strong and Weak Convergence of the Modified Proximal Point Algorithms in Hilbert Space”, Fixed Point Theory Appl, 2010, № 1, 2010, 240450  crossref
  5. Constantin Popa, Tobias Preclik, Ulrich Rüde, “Regularized solution of LCP problems with application to rigid body dynamics”, Numer Algor, 69, № 1, 2015, 145  crossref
  6. Oganeditse A. Boikanyo, “A Proximal Point Method Involving Two Resolvent Operators”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, 2012, 1  crossref