26 citations to 10.1007/s10898-008-9279-9 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Qamrul Hasan Ansari, Feeroz Babu, Jen-Chih Yao, “Regularization of proximal point algorithms in Hadamard manifolds”, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 21, № 1, 2019, 25  crossref
  2. M. Eslamian, J. Vahidi, “General Proximal-Point Algorithm for Monotone Operators”, Ukr Math J, 68, № 11, 2017, 1715  crossref
  3. O. A. Boikanyo, G. Moroşanu, “A proximal point algorithm converging strongly for general errors”, Optim Lett, 4, № 4, 2010, 635  crossref
  4. Fenghui Wang, “A note on the regularized proximal point algorithm”, J Glob Optim, 50, № 3, 2011, 531  crossref
  5. Shuang Wang, “A Modified Regularization Method for the Proximal Point Algorithm”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, 2012, 1  crossref
  6. O. A. Boikanyo, G. Moroşanu, “Inexact Halpern-type proximal point algorithm”, J Glob Optim, 51, № 1, 2011, 11  crossref
  7. Qingnian Zhang, Yisheng Song, “Halpern type proximal point algorithm of accretive operators”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75, № 4, 2012, 1859  crossref
  8. Truong Minh Tuyen, “Regularization Proximal Point Algorithm for Common Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces”, J Optim Theory Appl, 152, № 2, 2012, 351  crossref
  9. Jong Kyu Kim, Truong Minh Tuyen, “Regularization proximal point algorithm for finding a common fixed point of a finite family of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces”, Fixed Point Theory Appl, 2011, № 1, 2011, 52  crossref
  10. ChangAn Tian, Yisheng Song, “Strong convergence of a regularization method for Rockafellar’s proximal point algorithm”, J Glob Optim, 55, № 4, 2013, 831  crossref