25 citations to 10.1007/BF02362469 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Brendan Hassett, Sho Tanimoto, Yuri Tschinkel, “Balanced Line Bundles and Equivariant Compactifications of Homogeneous Spaces”, Int Math Res Notices, 2015, № 15, 2015, 6375  crossref
  2. Huan Xiao, “Campana points on biequivariant compactifications of the Heisenberg group”, European Journal of Mathematics, 8, № 1, 2022, 205  crossref
  3. Régis de la Bretèche, “Compter des points d'une variété torique”, Journal of Number Theory, 87, № 2, 2001, 315  crossref
  4. Zhaorong Jin, Matilde Marcolli, “Endomotives of toric varieties”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 77, 2014, 48  crossref
  5. Ramin Takloo-Bighash, Sho Tanimoto, “Distribution of rational points of bounded height on equivariant compactifications of PGL 2 I”, Res. number theory, 2, № 1, 2016, 6  crossref