34 citations to 10.1088/0305-4470/22/3/003 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yu. A. Grigoryev, V. A. Khudobakhshov, A. V. Tsiganov, “Separation of variables for some systems with a fourth-order integral of motion”, Theor Math Phys, 177, № 3, 2013, 1680  crossref
  2. I V Komarov, V B Kuznetosv, “Kowalewski's top on the Lie algebras o(4), e(3), and o(3,1)”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 23, № 6, 1990, 841  crossref
  3. Changhyun Ahn, Soonkeon Nam, “Integrable structure in supersymmetric gauge theories with massive hypermultiplets”, Physics Letters B, 387, № 2, 1996, 304  crossref
  4. Dimitri Markushevich, “Kowalevski top and genus-2 curves”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34, № 11, 2001, 2125  crossref
  5. G.A.P. Ribeiro, M.J. Martins, “Mixed integrable vertex model with arbitrary twists”, Nuclear Physics B, 705, № 3, 2005, 521  crossref
  6. Ya. V. Lisitsyn, A. V. Shapovalov, I. V. Shirokov, “Noncommutative integration of quantum Euler equations on the Lie algebraso (4)”, Russ Phys J, 35, № 11, 1992, 1031  crossref
  7. G Santos, A Foerster, I Roditi, “A bosonic multi-state two-well model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 46, № 26, 2013, 265206  crossref
  8. Mingchen Zheng, Yi Qiao, Yupeng Wang, Junpeng Cao, Shu Chen, “Exact Solution of the Bose-Hubbard Model with Unidirectional Hopping”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, № 8, 2024, 086502  crossref
  9. A. V. Tsiganov, “The Kowalewski top: A new Lax representation”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38, № 1, 1997, 196  crossref
  10. Peter L. Christiansen, Michael F. J�rgensen, Vadim B. Kuznetsov, “On integrable systems close to the toda lattice”, Lett Math Phys, 29, № 3, 1993, 165  crossref