3 citations to 10.1155/S1687182004406068 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. In-Sook Kim, Martin Väth, “Some remarks on measures of noncompactness and retractions onto spheres”, Topology and its Applications, 154, № 17, 2007, 3056  crossref
  2. Vittorio Colao, Alessandro Trombetta, Giulio Trombetta, “HAUSDORFF NORMS OF RETRACTIONS IN BANACH SPACES OF CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS”, Taiwanese J. Math., 13, № 4, 2009  crossref
  3. Tiberiu Trif, “Convex Solutions of a Nonlinear Integral Equation of Urysohn Type”, Fixed Point Theory Appl, 2009, № 1, 2009, 917614  crossref