31 citations to 10.1090/conm/452/08770 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Eric Katz, Alan Stapledon, “Local h-polynomials, invariants of subdivisions, and mixed Ehrhart theory”, Advances in Mathematics, 286, 2016, 181  crossref
  2. Benjamin Lorenz, Benjamin Nill, “On smooth Gorenstein polytopes”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 67, № 4, 2015  crossref
  3. Jan Schepers, “Stringy Hodge numbers of strictly canonical nondegenerate singularities”, J. Algebraic Geom., 21, № 2, 2011, 273  crossref
  4. Paul S. Aspinwall, M. Ronen Plesser, “General mirror pairs for gauged linear sigma models”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2015, № 11, 2015, 29  crossref
  5. Takayuki Hibi, Hidefumi Ohsugi, Akiyoshi Tsuchiya, “Integer Decomposition Property for Cayley Sums of Order and Stable Set Polytopes”, Michigan Math. J., 69, № 4, 2020  crossref
  6. Richard S Garavuso, Maximilian Kreuzer, Alexander Noll, “Fano hypersurfaces and Calabi-Yau supermanifolds”, J. High Energy Phys., 2009, № 03, 2009, 007  crossref
  7. Alexander Engström, Matthew Stamps, “Betti diagrams from graphs”, Algebra Number Theory, 7, № 7, 2013, 1725  crossref
  8. Sandra Di Rocco, Christian Haase, Benjamin Nill, Andreas Paffenholz, “Polyhedral adjunction theory”, Algebra Number Theory, 7, № 10, 2013, 2417  crossref
  9. Sandra Di Rocco, 2108, Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 2014, 119  crossref
  10. Akiyoshi Tsuchiya, “Cayley Sums and Minkowski Sums of Lattice Polytopes”, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 37, № 2, 2023, 1348  crossref