120 citations to 10.1143/PTPS.102.203 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. César Bautista, “A Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem for generalized Lie color algebras”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39, № 7, 1998, 3828  crossref
  2. R. Fioresi, E. Latini, A. Marrani, “The q-linked complex Minkowski space, its real forms and deformed isometry groups”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 16, № 01, 2019, 1950009  crossref
  3. V. Karimipour, “Bicovariant differential geometry of the quantum group SL h (2)”, Lett Math Phys, 35, № 4, 1995, 303  crossref
  4. R. CHAKRABARTI, J. SEGAR, “JORDANIAN QUANTUM SPHERES”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 16, № 27, 2001, 1731  crossref
  5. A. Chervov, G. Falqui, V. Rubtsov, “Algebraic properties of Manin matrices 1”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 43, № 3, 2009, 239  crossref
  6. H. Montani, R. Trinchero, “Nonstandard comodules for quantum matrix bialgebras”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42, № 1, 2001, 509  crossref
  7. Lahcen Oussi, “(p,q)-analogues of the generalized Touchard polynomials and Stirling numbers”, Indagationes Mathematicae, 33, № 3, 2022, 664  crossref
  8. S Cho, J Madore, K S Park, “Non-commutative geometry of theh-deformed quantum plane”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 31, № 11, 1998, 2639  crossref
  9. Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J Herranz, Javier Negro, “Boson representations, non-standard quantum algebras and contractions”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 30, № 19, 1997, 6797  crossref
  10. D Arnaudon, A Chakrabarti, V K Dobrev, S G Mihov, “Duality for exotic bialgebras”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34, № 19, 2001, 4065  crossref