16 citations to 10.1016/j.cam.2018.11.032 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Dongdong Liu, Seak-Weng Vong, Li Shen, “Improved uniqueness conditions of solution for multilinear pagerank and its application”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 72, № 2, 2024, 203  crossref
  2. Xiaoxiao Wang, Yaotang Li, “On the Uniqueness of the Stationary Probability Matrix of Transition Probability Tensors”, Front. Math, 18, № 6, 2023, 1421  crossref
  3. Jianxing Zhao, Lili She, “Exclusion sets in Dashnic–Zusmanovich localization sets”, J Inequal Appl, 2019, № 1, 2019, 228  crossref
  4. Fatemeh Panjeh Ali Beik, Mehdi Najafi-Kalyani, Khalide Jbilou, “Preconditioned iterative methods for multi-linear systems based on the majorization matrix”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70, № 20, 2022, 5827  crossref
  5. Eisa Khosravi Dehdezi, “Iterative Methods for Sparse Symmetric Multilinear Systems”, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc., 50, № 3, 2024, 40  crossref
  6. Xiao-Lin Wu, Jin-Yun Yuan, Lu-Bin Cui, “A characterization of irreducible tensors by using the connectedness of the associated directed hypergraphs”, DCDS-S, 2024  crossref