675 citations to 10.1063/1.166272 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yakov Pachepsky, Dennis Timlin, David A. Benson, Physical and Chemical Processes of Water and Solute Transport/Retention in Soils, 2015, 51  crossref
  2. Mark M. Meerschaert, Hans-Peter Scheffler, “Triangular array limits for continuous time random walks”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 118, № 9, 2008, 1606  crossref
  3. David A. Benson, Charles Tadjeran, Mark M. Meerschaert, Irene Farnham, Greg Pohll, “Radial fractional‐order dispersion through fractured rock”, Water Resources Research, 40, № 12, 2004, 2004WR003314  crossref
  4. Wen Chen, “An Intuitive Study of Fractional Derivative Modeling and Fractional Quantum in Soft Matter”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 14, № 9-10, 2008, 1651  crossref
  5. Gavriil Shchedrin, Nathanael Smith, Anastasia Gladkina, Lincoln Carr, “Exact results for a fractional derivative of elementary functions”, SciPost Phys., 4, № 6, 2018, 029  crossref
  6. Peter W. Stokes, Bronson Philippa, Wayne Read, Ronald D. White, “Efficient numerical solution of the time fractional diffusion equation by mapping from its Brownian counterpart”, Journal of Computational Physics, 282, 2015, 334  crossref
  7. Michael A Zhuravkov, Natalie S Romanova, “Review of methods and approaches for mechanical problem solutions based on fractional calculus”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 21, № 5, 2016, 595  crossref
  8. Li Li, Fajun Yu, “Some space-time fractional bright–dark solitons and propagation manipulations for a fractional Gross–Pitaevskii equation with an external potential”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 75, № 7, 2023, 075010  crossref
  9. Ervin Goldfain, “On a possible evidence for Cantorian space–time in cosmic ray astrophysics”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 20, № 3, 2004, 427  crossref
  10. G.M. Zaslavsky, P.N. Guzdar, M. Edelman, M.I. Sitnov, A.S. Sharma, “Selfsimilarity and fractional kinetics of solar wind–magnetosphere coupling”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 373, 2007, 11  crossref