11 citations to 10.1108/HFF-10-2018-0587 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Frédéric Daude, “A 1-D/3-D coupling approach for compressible non-equilibrium two-phase flows using the Baer-Nunziato model based on the Finite-Volume framework”, Computer Physics Communications, 288, 2023, 108724  crossref
  2. Petr A. Chuprov, 274, Advances in Theory and Practice of Computational Mechanics, 2022, 167  crossref
  3. Eric Goncalves Da Silva, Philippe Parnaudeau, “Comparison of multiphase models for computing shock-induced bubble collapse”, HFF, 30, № 8, 2020, 3845  crossref
  4. Nail Tuktamyshov, “About explosive technology of building road embankments, tunnels, canals”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 890, № 1, 2020, 012128  crossref
  5. Alexandre Chiapolino, Richard Saurel, “Numerical investigations of two-phase finger-like instabilities”, Computers & Fluids, 206, 2020, 104585  crossref
  6. T. A. Khmel, “Modeling of Dynamic Processes in Dilute and Dense Gas Suspensions (Review)”, Combust Explos Shock Waves, 57, № 3, 2021, 257  crossref
  7. Nail Tuktamyshov, E. Vdovin, “Explosive technologies in transport construction”, E3S Web Conf., 274, 2021, 02002  crossref
  8. Petr Chuprov, Pavel Utkin, Svetlana Fortova, “Numerical Simulation of a High-Speed Impact of Metal Plates Using a Three-Fluid Model”, Metals, 11, № 8, 2021, 1233  crossref
  9. V. V. Elesin, D. A. Sidorenko, P. S. Utkin, “Three-Dimensional Cartesian Grid Method for the Simulations of Flows with Shock Waves in the Domains with Varying Boundaries”, Int. J. Comput. Methods, 18, № 04, 2021, 2050046  crossref
  10. Ya.E. Poroshyna, P.S. Utkin, “Numerical simulation of a normally incident shock wave – dense particles layer interaction using the Godunov solver for the Baer–Nunziato equations”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 142, 2021, 103718  crossref