10 citations to 10.1017/is010001030jkt107 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Shahram Biglari, “On lambda operations on mixed motives”, J K-Theor, 12, № 2, 2013, 381  crossref
  2. Joseph Ayoub, “Une version relative de la conjecture des périodes de Kontsevich-Zagier”, Ann. Math., 2015, 905  crossref
  3. Igor Kriz, “On the arithmetic of elliptic curves and a homotopy limit problem”, Journal of Number Theory, 183, 2018, 466  crossref
  4. Vladimir Voevodsky, “On motivic cohomology with Z/l-coefficients”, Ann. Math., 174, № 1, 2011, 401  crossref
  5. Fabio Tanania, “Subtle characteristic classes for Spin-torsors”, Math. Z., 301, № 1, 2022, 41  crossref
  6. Evgeny Shinder, “On the motive of the group of units of a division algebra”, J. K-Theory, 13, № 3, 2014, 533  crossref
  7. Leonid Positselski, “Artin–Tate motivic sheaves with finite coefficients over an algebraic variety”, Proc. London Math. Soc., 111, № 6, 2015, 1402  crossref
  8. Pablo Pelaez, “Mixed motives and motivic birational covers”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221, № 7, 2017, 1699  crossref
  9. Joseph Ayoub, Steven Zucker, “Relative Artin motives and the reductive Borel–Serre compactification of a locally symmetric variety”, Invent. math., 188, № 2, 2012, 277  crossref
  10. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Beilinson, Alexander Semenovich Vishik, David A Kazhdan, Mikhail Mikhailovich Kapranov, Alexander Sergeevich Merkurjev, Dmitri Olegovich Orlov, Ivan Alexandrovich Panin, Andrey Aleksandrovich Suslin, Nikolai Andreevich Tyurin, Georgii Borisovich Shabat, “Владимир Александрович Воеводский (некролог)”, Успехи математических наук, 73, № 3(441), 2018, 157  crossref