5 citations to 10.1155/S1073792898000300 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Nikon Kurnosov, “Absolutely trianalytic tori in the generalized Kummer variety”, Advances in Mathematics, 298, 2016, 473  crossref
  2. Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, “Subvarieties of hypercomplex manifolds with holonomy in SL(n,H)”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62, № 11, 2012, 2234  crossref
  3. Malek Joumaah, “Non-symplectic involutions of irreducible symplectic manifolds of $K3^{[n]}$ K 3 [ n ] -type”, Math. Z., 283, № 3-4, 2016, 761  crossref
  4. Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, “k-symplectic structures and absolutely trianalytic subvarieties in hyperkähler manifolds”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 92, 2015, 147  crossref
  5. Anna Abasheva, Misha Verbitsky, “Algebraic dimension and complex subvarieties of hypercomplex nilmanifolds”, Advances in Mathematics, 414, 2023, 108866  crossref