378 citations to 10.5194/angeo-22-1585-2004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Malini Aggarwal, “Anomalous changes in ionospheric TEC during an earthquake event of 13–14 April 2010 in the Chinese sector”, Advances in Space Research, 56, № 7, 2015, 1400  crossref
  2. Lin Jyh-Woei, “Use of principal component analysis in the identification of the spatial pattern of an ionospheric total electron content anomalies after China’s May 12, 2008, M=7.9 Wenchuan earthquake”, Advances in Space Research, 47, № 11, 2011, 1983  crossref
  3. A. E. Akpan, J. I. Ibanga, N. J. George, A. M. Ekanem, “Assessing seismo-ionospheric disturbances using Vanuatu and Honshu earthquakes of March 25, 2007, employing DEMETER and GPS data”, Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 16, № 11, 2019, 7187  crossref
  4. Sudipta Sasmal, Swati Chowdhury, Subrata Kundu, Dimitrios Z. Politis, Stelios M. Potirakis, Georgios Balasis, Masashi Hayakawa, Sandip K. Chakrabarti, “Pre-Seismic Irregularities during the 2020 Samos (Greece) Earthquake (M = 6.9) as Investigated from Multi-Parameter Approach by Ground and Space-Based Techniques”, Atmosphere, 12, № 8, 2021, 1059  crossref
  5. Devbrat Pundhir, Birbal Singh, Rajpal Singh, Sarita Sharma, “Identification of Seismogenic Anomalies Induced by 11 April, 2012 Indonesian Earthquake (M = 8.5) at Indian Latitudes Using GPS-TEC and ULF/VLF Measurements”, Geomagn. Aeron., 61, № 3, 2021, 449  crossref
  6. Hai-Sheng Zhao, Zheng-Wen Xu, Zhen-Sen Wu, Jian Wu, Qing-Lin Zhu, Kun Liu, “A stable and fast method of ionospheric tomography by using diverse data sources”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 97, 2013, 99  crossref
  7. S. A. Pulinets, V. G. Bondur, M. N. Tsidilina, M. V. Gaponova, “Verification of the concept of seismoionospheric coupling under quiet heliogeomagnetic conditions, using the Wenchuan (China) earthquake of May 12, 2008, as an example”, Geomagn. Aeron., 50, № 2, 2010, 231  crossref
  8. M. V. Klimenko, V. V. Klimenko, I. V. Karpov, I. E. Zakharenkova, “Simulation of seismo-ionospheric effects initiated by internal gravity waves”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 5, № 3, 2011, 393  crossref
  9. Gokhan Gurbuz, Bahadir Aktug, Shuanggen Jin, S. Hakan Kutoglu, “A GNSS-based near real time automatic Earth Crust and Atmosphere Monitoring Service for Turkey”, Advances in Space Research, 66, № 12, 2020, 2854  crossref
  10. Xiong Jing, Zhou Yiyan, Wu Yun, “Ionospheric VTEC anomalies before Ms7.1 Yushu earthquake”, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2, № 2, 2011, 48  crossref