23 citations to 10.1090/surv/097 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V. A. Vassiliev, “Local Petrovskii lacunas close to parabolic singular points of the wavefronts of strictly hyperbolic partial differential equations”, Sb. Math., 207, № 10, 2016, 1363  crossref
  2. Mark Agranovsky, “Domains with algebraic X-ray transform”, Anal.Math.Phys., 12, № 2, 2022, 60  crossref
  3. Adele Ferone, Remigio Russo, Alfonsina Tartaglione, “The Stokes Paradox in Inhomogeneous Elastostatics”, J Elast, 142, № 1, 2020, 35  crossref
  4. Andrea Brini, Renzo Cavalieri, Dustin Ross, “Crepant resolutions and open strings”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2019, № 755, 2019, 191  crossref
  5. V. A. Vassiliev, “Algebroidally Integrable Bodies”, Arnold Math J., 6, № 2, 2020, 291  crossref
  6. Mark Agranovsky, “Locally polynomially integrable surfaces and finite stationary phase expansions”, JAMA, 141, № 1, 2020, 23  crossref
  7. V. A. Vassiliev, “Multiplicities of Maxwell sets of Pham singularities”, Funct Anal Its Appl, 50, № 3, 2016, 225  crossref
  8. V. A. Vassiliev, “Newton's lemma XXVIII on integrable ovals in higher dimensions and reflection groups”, Bulletin of London Math Soc, 47, № 2, 2015, 290  crossref
  9. Andrei Alexandru, Gökçe Başar, Paulo Bedaque, Gregory W. Ridgway, Neill C. Warrington, “Study of symmetry breaking in a relativistic Bose gas using the contraction algorithm”, Phys. Rev. D, 94, № 4, 2016, 045017  crossref
  10. Victor Anatolievich Vassiliev, “Кратности множеств Максвелла особенностей Фама”, Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 50, № 3, 2016, 73  crossref