124 citations to 10.1016/S0550-3213(02)00583-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yi Liao, Xiao-Bo Gong, Chu Guo, Ping-Xing Chen, “Geometric phase and topological phase diagram of the one-dimensional XXZ Heisenberg spin chain in a longitudinal field”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 507, 2020, 166794  crossref
  2. Zengo Tsuboi, Masahiro Shiroishi, “High temperature expansion of the emptiness formation probability for the isotropic Heisenberg chain”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38, № 20, 2005, L363  crossref
  3. A Seel, T Bhattacharyya, F Göhmann, A Klümper, “A note on the spin-½XXZchain concerning its relation to the Bose gas”, J. Stat. Mech., 2007, № 08, 2007, P08030  crossref
  4. A Hutsalyuk, A Liashyk, S Z Pakuliak, E Ragoucy, N A Slavnov, “Scalar products of Bethe vectors in models with $\mathfrak{g}\mathfrak{l}(2|1)$ symmetry 2. Determinant representation”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 50, № 3, 2017, 034004  crossref
  5. Никита Андреевич Славнов, Nikita Andreevich Slavnov, “Корреляционные функции $XXZ$-цепочки Гейзенберга при $\Delta=1/2$”, ТМФ, 150, № 2, 2007, 304  crossref
  6. Frank Göhmann, Andreas Klümper, Alexander Seel, “Integral representations for correlation functions of theXXZchain at finite temperature”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 37, № 31, 2004, 7625  crossref
  7. Jun Sato, Masahiro Shiroishi, Minoru Takahashi, “Correlation functions of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain: Exact calculation via the generating function”, Nuclear Physics B, 729, № 3, 2005, 441  crossref
  8. Jean Michel Maillet, Giuliano Niccoli, Louis Vignoli, “Separation of variables bases for integrable $gl_{\mathcal{M}|\mathcal{N}}$ and Hubbard models”, SciPost Phys., 9, № 4, 2020, 060  crossref
  9. Kohei Motegi, “Boundary correlation functions of the six and nineteen vertex models with domain wall boundary conditions”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390, № 20, 2011, 3337  crossref
  10. Kohei Motegi, “On the Density Matrix for the Kink Ground State of Higher Spin XXZ Chain”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 78, № 7, 2009, 075001  crossref