15 citations to 10.1155/2007/57238 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. N. Zimmert, A. Pertsch, O. Sawodny, “2-DOF Control of a Fire-Rescue Turntable Ladder”, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., 20, № 2, 2012, 438  crossref
  2. Alexander Zuyev, Oliver Sawodny, “Modelling and control of a shell structure based on a finite dimensional variational formulation”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 21, № 6, 2015, 591  crossref
  3. N. Zimmert, A. Kharitonov, O. Sawodny, “A new Control Strategy for Trajectory Tracking of Fire–Rescue Turntable Ladders”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41, № 2, 2008, 869  crossref
  4. Georgy Kostin, Vasily Saurin, “Optimal Design of Elastic Rod Motions Based on a Projection Approach”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48, № 1, 2015, 772  crossref
  5. Alexander Zuyev, Julia Kalosha, “Observer design for a flexible structure with distributed and point sensors”, Proc. IAMM NASU, 35, 2022, 125  crossref
  6. Alexander Zuyev, Julia Kalosha, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), 2023, 1  crossref
  7. Georgy Kostin, Vasily Saurin, 40, Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Complex Structures, 2016, 259  crossref
  8. J. I. Kalosha, A. L. Zuyev, “Asymptotic stabilization of a flexible beam with an attached mass”, Ukr. Mat. Zhurn., 73, № 10, 2021, 1330  crossref
  9. A.L. Zuyev, “Mathematical control theory: nonlinear dynamics and engineering applications”, Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr., № 01, 2020, 29  crossref
  10. Yasemin Baskaya, Fatma Deniz Sayıner, Zeynep Filiz, “How much do I belong to my profession? A scale development study: Midwifery Belonging Scale”, Health Care for Women International, 41, № 8, 2020, 883  crossref