5 citations to 10.4401/ag-8080 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Tao Chen, Lei Li, Xiao-Xin Zhang, Qi-Ming Ma, Wen Li, Shuo Ti, Han Wu, Ren-Kang Li, Jing Luo, Jian-Feng Su, “Near-epicenter weather conditions several hours before strong earthquakes (Ms ≥ 6)”, Nat Hazards, 110, № 1, 2022, 57  crossref
  2. Yingbo Yue, Fuchun Chen, Guilin Chen, “Statistical and Comparative Analysis of Multi-Channel Infrared Anomalies before Earthquakes in China and the Surrounding Area”, Applied Sciences, 12, № 16, 2022, 7958  crossref
  3. Xuemin Zhang, Jing Liu, Angelo De Santis, Loredana Perrone, Pan Xiong, Xin Zhang, Xiaohui Du, “Lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with four Yutian earthquakes in China from GPS TEC and electromagnetic observations onboard satellites”, Journal of Geodynamics, 155, 2023, 101943  crossref
  4. Ramya Jeyaraman, N. Venkatanathan, “Spatiotemporal analysis of OLR as a precursory signature of seismic nucleation process in Sumatra region”, Environ Earth Sci, 83, № 2, 2024, 63  crossref
  5. T. C. Tsai, H. K. Jhuang, Y. Y. Ho, L. C. Lee, W. C. Su, S. L. Hung, K. H. Lee, C. C. Fu, H. C. Lin, C. L. Kuo, “Deep Learning of Detecting Ionospheric Precursors Associated With M ≥ 6.0 Earthquakes in Taiwan”, Earth and Space Science, 9, № 9, 2022, e2022EA002289  crossref