19 citations to 10.1016/j.na.2006.09.059 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Xiaolong Qin, Haiyun Zhou, Shin Min Kang, “Strong convergence of Mann type implicit iterative process for demi-continuous pseudo-contractions”, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 29, № 1-2, 2009, 217  crossref
  2. Yisheng Song, “Equivalent theorems of the convergence between proximal type algorithms”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71, № 1-2, 2009, 293  crossref
  3. Duong Viet Thong, “An implicit iteration process for nonexpansive semigroups”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 74, № 17, 2011, 6116  crossref
  4. Yisheng Song, “New strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive nonself-mappings without boundary conditions”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56, № 6, 2008, 1473  crossref
  5. Yisheng Song, “Approximating curves for non-expansive mappings and accretive operators”, Applicable Analysis, 88, № 2, 2009, 215  crossref
  6. Paul-Emile Maingé, Ştefan Măruşter, “Convergence in norm of modified Krasnoselski–Mann iterations for fixed points of demicontractive mappings”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, № 24, 2011, 9864  crossref
  7. Suhong Li, Yongfu Su, Lingmin Zhang, Huijuan Zhao, Lihua Li, “Viscosity approximation methods with weak contraction for L-Lipschitzian pseudocontractive self-mapping”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 74, № 4, 2011, 1031  crossref
  8. XinKuan Chai, Yisheng Song, “Convergence theorem for an iterative algorithm of λ-strict pseudocontraction”, Fixed Point Theory Appl, 2011, № 1, 2011, 95  crossref
  9. Yisheng Song, “Iterative convergence to Cesàro means for continuous pseudocontractive mappings”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71, № 7-8, 2009, 2792  crossref
  10. Yisheng Song, Jung Im Kang, Yeol Je Cho, “On iterations methods for zeros of accretive operators in Banach spaces”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216, № 3, 2010, 1007  crossref