32 citations to 10.1080/17442500601090409 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Svetlana I. Boyarchenko, Sergei Z. Levendorskii, “Optimal Stopping in Levy Models, for Non-Monotone Discontinuous Payoffs”, SSRN Journal, 2010  crossref
  2. “APR volume 31 issue 2 Cover and Back matter”, Advances in Applied Probability, 31, № 2, 1999, b1  crossref
  3. Ernesto Mordecki, Yuliya Mishura, “Optimal Stopping for Lévy Processes with One-Sided Solutions”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 54, № 5, 2016, 2553  crossref
  4. Александр Александрович Новиков, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Novikov, Александр Александрович Новиков, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Novikov, “Несколько замечаний о распределении времени первого выхода и оптимальной остановке AR(1)-последовательностей”, ТВП, 53, № 3, 2008, 458  crossref
  5. Sören Christensen, Tobias Sohr, “General optimal stopping with linear cost”, Sequential Analysis, 41, № 1, 2022, 35  crossref
  6. “Advances in Applied Probability Volume 30 (1998): Index: General Applied Probability”, Advances in Applied Probability, 30, № 4, 1998, 1157  crossref
  7. Yi-Shen Lin, Yi-Ching Yao, “One-sided solutions for optimal stopping problems with logconcave reward functions”, Adv. Appl. Probab., 51, № 01, 2019, 87  crossref
  8. Denis Belomestny, Pavel V. Gapeev, “An iterative procedure for solving integral equations related to optimal stopping problems”, Stochastics, 82, № 4, 2010, 365  crossref
  9. A. G. Moroz, V. V. Tomashyk, “Convergence of Solutions and Their Exit Times in Diffusion Models with Jumps”, Cybern Syst Anal, 50, № 2, 2014, 288  crossref
  10. Debasis Kundu, “A stationary Weibull process and its applications”, Journal of Applied Statistics, 50, № 13, 2023, 2681  crossref