4 citations to 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2007.10.034 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Hiroki Matsui, Ryo Takahashi, “Filtrations in Module Categories, Derived Categories, and Prime Spectra”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022, № 5, 2022, 3457  crossref
  2. ILIA PIRASHVILI, “Topos points of quasi-coherent sheaves over monoid schemes”, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 169, № 1, 2020, 31  crossref
  3. Ryo Takahashi, “Classifying thick subcategories of the stable category of Cohen–Macaulay modules”, Advances in Mathematics, 225, № 4, 2010, 2076  crossref
  4. Shunya Saito, “The spectrum of Grothendieck monoid: Classifying Serre subcategories and reconstruction theorem”, Journal of Algebra, 658, 2024, 365  crossref