88 citations to 10.1002/1527-2648(200111)3:11<885::AID-ADEM885>3.0.CO;2-P (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Mohammad Mirkhalaf, Amanul Sunesara, Behnam Ashrafi, Francois Barthelat, “Toughness by segmentation: Fabrication, testing and micromechanics of architectured ceramic panels for impact applications”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 158, 2019, 52  crossref
  2. A. Molotnikov, Y. Estrin, A.V. Dyskin, E. Pasternak, A.J. Kanel-Belov, “Percolation mechanism of failure of a planar assembly of interlocked osteomorphic elements”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74, № 8, 2007, 1222  crossref
  3. Ahmed S. Dalaq, Francois Barthelat, “Strength and stability in architectured spine-like segmented structures”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 171, 2019, 146  crossref
  4. Gye-Chun Cho, Jake Dodds, J. Carlos Santamarina, “Particle Shape Effects on Packing Density, Stiffness, and Strength: Natural and Crushed Sands”, J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 132, № 5, 2006, 591  crossref
  5. A.V. Dyskin, A. Caballero, “Orthogonal crack approaching an interface”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 76, № 16, 2009, 2476  crossref
  6. A. Rezaee Javan, H. Seifi, S. Xu, D. Ruan, Y.M. Xie, “The impact behaviour of plate-like assemblies made of new interlocking bricks: An experimental study”, Materials & Design, 134, 2017, 361  crossref
  7. M.I. Peerun, D.E.L. Ong, C. Desha, “A strategic review on enhanced DEM simulation and advanced 3-D particle printing techniques to improve pipe-jacking force prediction”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 123, 2022, 104415  crossref
  8. Omid Reza Barani, Nima Ghari Haghighat, Pejhman Salmani, “Detailed Description of the Geomechanical Interaction Between a Cohesive Hydraulic Fracture and a Natural Fracture in Saturated Poroelastic Media”, Geotech Geol Eng, 38, № 2, 2020, 1689  crossref
  9. Yanrong Li, “Effects of particle shape and size distribution on the shear strength behavior of composite soils”, Bull Eng Geol Environ, 72, № 3-4, 2013, 371  crossref
  10. Igor Shufrin, Elena Pasternak, Arcady Dyskin, “Environmentally Friendly Smart Construction—Review of Recent Developments and Opportunities”, Applied Sciences, 13, № 23, 2023, 12891  crossref