25 citations to 10.1016/0021-9169(86)90079-6 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. I. Yu. Zudin, M. E. Gushchin, A. V. Strikovskiy, S. V. Korobkov, I. A. Petrova, A. N. Katkov, V. V. Kochedykov, “Features of Turbulence Excited by Pulsed High-Frequency Pump in a Magnetoplasma”, Jetp Lett., 116, № 1, 2022, 41  crossref
  2. J. LaBelle, D. R. Ruppert, R. A. Treumann, “A statistical study of banded magnetospheric emissions”, J. Geophys. Res., 104, № A1, 1999, 293  crossref
  3. A. Voshchepynets, S. Barabash, R. Ramstad, M. Holmstrom, D. Andrews, G. Nicolaou, R. A. Frahm, A. Kopf, D. Gurnett, “Ions Accelerated by Sounder‐Plasma Interaction as Observed by Mars Express”, JGR Space Physics, 123, № 11, 2018, 9802  crossref
  4. H.G. James, “Wave results from OEDIPUS A”, Advances in Space Research, 13, № 10, 1993, 5  crossref
  5. N. Aidakina, M. Gushchin, I. Zudin, S. Korobkov, A. Strikovskiy, “Laboratory study of interaction of magnetoplasma irregularities produced by several radio-frequency heating sources”, Physics of Plasmas, 25, № 7, 2018, 072114  crossref
  6. V.A. Osherovich, R.F. Benson, J. Fainberg, “Electromagnetic bounded States and challenges of plasma spectroscopy”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 33, № 2, 2005, 599  crossref
  7. H. G. James, V. I. Sotnikov, W. J. Burke, C. Y. Huang, “OEDIPUS-C observations of electrons accelerated by radio frequency fields at whistler-mode frequencies”, Physics of Plasmas, 6, № 10, 1999, 4058  crossref
  8. A.C.-L. Chian, “Electromagnetic radiation emitted by supersonic Langmuir turbulence in active experiments in space”, Planetary and Space Science, 39, № 8, 1991, 1217  crossref
  9. N. Aidakina, M. Gushchin, I. Zudin, S. Korobkov, A. Strikovskiy, “Density irregularities, currents, and magnetic fields generated by pulsed local rf heating of a magnetoplasma: Disturbances in rf antenna vicinity”, Physics of Plasmas, 25, № 12, 2018, 122104  crossref
  10. Robert F. Benson, Adolfo F. Viñas, “Plasma instabilities stimulated by HF transmitters in space”, Radio Science, 23, № 4, 1988, 585  crossref