3 citations to 10.31857/S0374064121010131; 10.1134/S0012266121010110 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. A. V. Zvyagin, E. I. Kostenko, “O sushchestvovanii upravleniya s obratnoy svyaz'yu dlya odnoy drobnoy modeli Foygta”, Differencialʹnye uravneniâ, 59, № 12, 2023, 1710  crossref
  2. A. V. Zvyagin, E. I. Kostenko, “On the Existence of Feedback Control for One Fractional Voigt Model”, Diff Equat, 59, № 12, 2023, 1778  crossref
  3. A. V. Zvyagin, “Uniform Attractors for Non-Autonomous Systems of Nonlinearly Viscous Fluid”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44, № 3, 2023, 956  crossref