11 citations to 10.1006/jath.1995.1009 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Rabah Khaldi, Ahcene Boucenna, “Strong asymptotics of extremal polynomials on the segment in the presence of denumerable set of mass points”, J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 40, № 1, 2011, 38  crossref
  2. M Bello Hernández, G López Lagomasino, “Ratio and Relative Asymptotics of Polynomials Orthogonal on an Arc of the Unit Circle”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 92, № 2, 1998, 216  crossref
  3. Brian Simanek, “Asymptotic properties of extremal polynomials corresponding to measures supported on analytic regions”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 170, 2013, 172  crossref
  4. Leonid Golinskii, “Akhiezer's Orthogonal Polynomials and Bernstein–Szegő Method for a Circular Arc”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 95, № 2, 1998, 229  crossref
  5. Vilmos Totik, Peter Yuditskii, “On a conjecture of Widom”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 190, 2015, 50  crossref
  6. G. López Lagomasino, A. Martínez-Finkelshtein, I. Pérez Izquierdo, H. Pijeira Cabrera, “Strong asymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials in the complex plane”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 340, № 1, 2008, 521  crossref
  7. M.Bello Hernández, E.Miña Dı́az, “Strong Asymptotic Behavior and Weak Convergence of Polynomials Orthogonal on an Arc of the Unit Circle”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 111, № 2, 2001, 233  crossref
  8. Gökalp Alpan, “Extremal polynomials on a Jordan arc”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 276, 2022, 105708  crossref
  9. N. Bosuwan, “Convergence of Row Sequences of Simultaneous Padé-orthogonal Approximants”, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 17, № 3, 2017, 525  crossref
  10. Erwin Miña-Díaz, “An Expansion for Polynomials Orthogonal Over an Analytic Jordan Curve”, Commun. Math. Phys., 285, № 3, 2009, 1109  crossref