112 citations to 10.1016/j.asr.2009.04.038 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. M. Akhoondzadeh, M.R. Saradjian, “TEC variations analysis concerning Haiti (January 12, 2010) and Samoa (September 29, 2009) earthquakes”, Advances in Space Research, 47, № 1, 2011, 94  crossref
  2. Cheng‐Ling Kuo, Lou‐Chuang Lee, “Reply to comment by B. E. Prokhorov and O. V. Zolotov on “An improved coupling model for the lithosphere‐atmosphere‐ionosphere system””, JGR Space Physics, 122, № 4, 2017, 4869  crossref
  3. Mehdi Akhoondzadeh, Angelo De Santis, Dedalo Marchetti, Alessandro Piscini, Gianfranco Cianchini, “Multi precursors analysis associated with the powerful Ecuador (MW= 7.8) earthquake of 16 April 2016 using Swarm satellites data in conjunction with other multi-platform satellite and ground data”, Advances in Space Research, 61, № 1, 2018, 248  crossref
  4. S. A. Pulinets, V. G. Bondur, M. N. Tsidilina, M. V. Gaponova, “Verification of the concept of seismoionospheric coupling under quiet heliogeomagnetic conditions, using the Wenchuan (China) earthquake of May 12, 2008, as an example”, Geomagn. Aeron., 50, № 2, 2010, 231  crossref
  5. Shufan Zhao, XuHui Shen, Zeren Zhima, Chen Zhou, “The very low-frequency transmitter radio wave anomalies related to the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake observed by the DEMETER satellite and the possible mechanism”, Ann. Geophys., 38, № 5, 2020, 969  crossref
  6. Meijiao Zhong, Xinjian Shan, Xuemin Zhang, Chunyan Qu, Xiao Guo, Zhonghu Jiao, “Thermal Infrared and Ionospheric Anomalies of the 2017 Mw6.5 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake”, Remote Sensing, 12, № 17, 2020, 2843  crossref
  7. Nikolay N. Slyunyaev, Evgeny A. Mareev, Artem A. Zhidkov, “On the variation of the ionospheric potential due to large‐scale radioactivity enhancement and solar activity”, JGR Space Physics, 120, № 8, 2015, 7060  crossref
  8. J. Guo, H. Yu, W. Li, X. Liu, Q. Kong, C. Zhao, “Total Electron Content Anomalies Before Mw 6.0+ Earthquakes in the Seismic Zone of Southwest China Between 2001 and 2013”, J. Test. Eval., 45, № 1, 2017, 20160032  crossref
  9. Mohd Saqib, Erman Şentürk, Muhammad Arqim Adil, Mohamed Freeshah, “Seismo-ionospheric precursory detection using hybrid Bayesian-LSTM network model with uncertainty-boundaries and anomaly-intensity”, Advances in Space Research, 74, № 4, 2024, 1828  crossref
  10. F. Masci, J. N. Thomas, “On the reliability of the Spatial Scintillation Index to detect earthquake precursors in the ionosphere”, Radio Science, 50, № 8, 2015, 745  crossref