22 citations to 10.1088/1742-5468/2011/03/P03018 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. G Niccoli, V Terras, “Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55, № 40, 2022, 405203  crossref
  2. Lorenzo Piroli, Pasquale Calabrese, “Local correlations in the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas: From Bethe ansatz to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation”, Phys. Rev. A, 94, № 5, 2016, 053620  crossref
  3. K K Kozlowski, J M Maillet, N A Slavnov, “Correlation functions for one-dimensional bosons at low temperature”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011, № 03, 2011, P03019  crossref
  4. Isabelle Bouchoule, Jérôme Dubail, Léa Dubois, Dimitri M. Gangardt, “Relaxation of Phonons in the Lieb-Liniger Gas by Dynamical Refermionization”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, № 14, 2023, 140401  crossref
  5. Karol Kajetan Kozlowski, “Large-Distance and Long-Time Asymptotic Behavior of the Reduced Density Matrix in the Non-Linear Schrödinger Model”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 16, № 2, 2015, 437  crossref
  6. Giuliano Niccoli, Véronique Terras, “On correlation functions for the open XXZ chain with non-longitudinal boundary fields: The case with a constraint”, SciPost Phys., 16, № 4, 2024, 099  crossref
  7. Giuliano Niccoli, Hao Pei, Véronique Terras, “Correlation functions by separation of variables: the XXX spin chain”, SciPost Phys., 10, № 1, 2021, 006  crossref
  8. Etienne Granet, “Low-density limit of dynamical correlations in the Lieb–Liniger model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 54, № 15, 2021, 154001  crossref
  9. Balázs Pozsgay, “Local correlations in the 1D Bose gas from a scaling limit of the XXZ chain”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011, № 11, 2011, P11017  crossref
  10. Lorenzo Piroli, Stefano Scopa, Pasquale Calabrese, “Determinant formula for the field form factor in the anyonic Lieb–Liniger model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 53, № 40, 2020, 405001  crossref