38 citations to 10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.11.004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Dmitri Pavlov, “Numerable open covers and representability of topological stacks”, Topology and its Applications, 318, 2022, 108203  crossref
  2. Jeremiah Heller, Charanya Ravi, Paul Arne Østvær, “Rigidity for equivariant pseudo pretheories”, Journal of Algebra, 516, 2018, 373  crossref
  3. G. Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, M. E. Walker, C. A. Weibel, Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics, 2018, 455  crossref
  4. Luca Barbieri-Viale, “On topological motives”, Topology and its Applications, 314, 2022, 108141  crossref
  5. Christian Dahlhausen, “Continuous K-theory and cohomology of rigid spaces”, manuscripta math., 173, № 1-2, 2024, 119  crossref
  6. Tom Bachmann, Adeel A. Khan, Charanya Ravi, Vladimir Sosnilo, “Categorical Milnor squares and K-theory of algebraic stacks”, Sel. Math. New Ser., 28, № 5, 2022, 85  crossref
  7. Denis-Charles Cisinski, “Descente par éclatements en K-théorie invariante par homotopie”, Ann. Math., 177, № 2, 2013, 425  crossref
  8. Marco Robalo, “K-theory and the bridge from motives to noncommutative motives”, Advances in Mathematics, 269, 2015, 399  crossref
  9. Doosung Park, “Equivariant cd-structures and descent theory”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 223, № 10, 2019, 4123  crossref
  10. Shane Kelly, “Vanishing of negative -theory in positive characteristic”, Compositio Math., 150, № 8, 2014, 1425  crossref