450 citations to 10.1016/0003-4916(52)90040-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. N. Candemir, A.N. Özdemir, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties in a GaAs quantum dot with disclination under magnetic field and Aharonov-Bohm flux field”, Physics Letters A, 492, 2023, 129226  crossref
  2. Wallysson Barros, Antônio de Pádua Santos, Erms Pereira, “Concentrating, diverging, shifting, and splitting electromagnetic beams using a single conical structure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 128, № 9, 2020, 093105  crossref
  3. M.J. Bueno, C. Furtado, K. Bakke, “On the effects of a screw dislocation and a linear potential on the harmonic oscillator”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 496, 2016, 45  crossref
  4. M. de Montigny, M. Hosseinpour, H. Hassanabadi, “The spin-zero Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation in a cosmic-string space-time with the Cornell interaction”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 31, № 36, 2016, 1650191  crossref
  5. H. Hassanabadi, M. de Montigny, M. Hosseinpour, “Interaction of the magnetic quadrupole moment of a non-relativistic particle with an electric field in a rotating frame”, Annals of Physics, 412, 2020, 168040  crossref
  6. Knut Bakke, Claudio Furtado, J. R. Nascimento, “Gravitational geometric phase in the presence of torsion”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 60, № 3, 2009, 501  crossref
  7. D. D’Ascanio, P.B. Gilkey, P. Pisani, “Symmetric affine surfaces with torsion”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 147, 2020, 103536  crossref
  8. Alcides F. Andrade, Guilherme de Berredo-Peixoto, “Geodesics in a space with a spherically symmetric dislocation”, Gravit. Cosmol., 19, № 1, 2013, 29  crossref
  9. S. L. R. Vieira, K. Bakke, “Aharonov-Bohm effect for bound states from the interaction of the magnetic quadrupole moment of a neutral particle with axial fields”, Phys. Rev. A, 101, № 3, 2020, 032102  crossref
  10. A. N. Ikot, U. S. Okorie, P. Sawangtong, H. Horchani, “Effects of Topological Defects and AB Fields on the Thermal Properties, Persistent Currents and Energy Spectra with an Exponential-Type Pseudoharmonic Potential”, Int J Theor Phys, 62, № 9, 2023, 197  crossref