26 citations to 10.1007/s10898-015-0343-y (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Haibin Chen, Yannan Chen, Guoyin Li, Liqun Qi, “A semidefinite program approach for computing the maximum eigenvalue of a class of structured tensors and its applications in hypergraphs and copositivity test”, Numerical Linear Algebra App, 25, № 1, 2018, e2125  crossref
  2. Shouqiang Du, Liping Zhang, Chiyu Chen, Liqun Qi, “Tensor absolute value equations”, Sci. China Math., 61, № 9, 2018, 1695  crossref
  3. Ping Yang, Yiju Wang, Gang Wang, Qiuling Hou, “Pareto Z-eigenvalue inclusion theorems for tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems”, J Inequal Appl, 2022, № 1, 2022, 77  crossref
  4. Zhongming Chen, Liqun Qi, “A semismooth Newton method for tensor eigenvalue complementarity problem”, Comput Optim Appl, 65, № 1, 2016, 109  crossref
  5. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Analytical expressions of copositivity for fourth-order symmetric tensors”, Anal. Appl., 19, № 05, 2021, 779  crossref
  6. Yisheng Song, Liqun Qi, “Strictly semi-positive tensors and the boundedness of tensor complementarity problems”, Optim Lett, 11, № 7, 2017, 1407  crossref
  7. Haibin Chen, Zheng-Hai Huang, Liqun Qi, “Copositivity Detection of Tensors: Theory and Algorithm”, J Optim Theory Appl, 174, № 3, 2017, 746  crossref
  8. Zheng-Hai Huang, Liqun Qi, “Tensor Complementarity Problems—Part I: Basic Theory”, J Optim Theory Appl, 183, № 1, 2019, 1  crossref
  9. Jinyan Fan, Jiawang Nie, Ruixue Zhao, “The maximum tensor complementarity eigenvalues”, Optimization Methods and Software, 35, № 6, 2020, 1179  crossref
  10. Bin Qi, Wensheng Zhang, Lei Zhang, “Spectrum Situation Awareness for Space–Air–Ground Integrated Networks Based on Tensor Computing”, Sensors, 24, № 2, 2024, 334  crossref