65 citations to 10.1007/978-3-662-48422-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Arturo Acuaviva, Visu Makam, Harold Nieuwboer, David Pérez-García, Friedrich Sittner, Michael Walter, Freek Witteveen, 2023 IEEE 64th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2023, 328  crossref
  2. Skip Garibaldi, Robert M. Guralnick, “Generic Stabilizers for Simple Algebraic Groups”, Michigan Math. J., 72, № none, 2022  crossref
  3. Peter Burgisser, Cole Franks, Ankit Garg, Rafael Oliveira, Michael Walter, Avi Wigderson, 2019 IEEE 60th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2019, 845  crossref
  4. Michel Bauer, “Cubic surfaces and their invariants: Some memories of Raymond Stora”, Nuclear Physics B, 912, 2016, 374  crossref
  5. Bo Dong, Nan Jiang, Moody T. Chu, “Nonlinear power-like iteration by polar decomposition and its application to tensor approximation”, Numer. Math., 144, № 4, 2020, 729  crossref
  6. John A. Christian, Harm Derksen, Ryan Watkins, “Lunar Crater Identification in Digital Images”, J Astronaut Sci, 68, № 4, 2021, 1056  crossref
  7. V. Gerdt, A. Khvedelidze, Yu. Palii, “On the Ring of Local Unitary Invariants for Mixed X-States of Two Qubits”, J Math Sci, 224, № 2, 2017, 238  crossref
  8. Fabian Reimers, “Separating invariants for two copies of the natural Sn-action”, Communications in Algebra, 48, № 4, 2020, 1584  crossref
  9. Evelyne Hubert, Erick Rodriguez Bazan, “Algorithms for fundamental invariants and equivariants of finite groups”, Math. Comp., 91, № 337, 2022, 2459  crossref
  10. Armin Jamshidpey, Nicole Lemire, Éric Schost, “Algebraic construction of quasi-split algebraic tori”, J. Algebra Appl., 19, № 11, 2020, 2050206  crossref