6 citations to 10.1016/S0030-4018(00)00798-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Z. Ficek, J. Seke, A. V. Soldatov, G. Adam, “Fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a multiple modulated field”, Phys. Rev. A, 64, № 1, 2001, 013813  crossref
  2. Jörg Evers, “Phase-dependent interference mechanisms in a three-level Λ system driven by a quantized laser field”, Journal of Modern Optics, 52, № 18, 2005, 2699  crossref
  3. Guo Hong-Ju, Niu Yue-Ping, Jin Shi-Qi, Gong Shang-Qing, “Sideband manipulation of population inversion in a three-level Λ atomic system”, Chinese Phys. B, 17, № 4, 2008, 1269  crossref
  4. Z. Ficek, J. Seke, A.V. Soldatov, G. Adam, N.N. Bogolubov, “Multilevel coherence effects in a two-level atom driven by a trichromatic field”, Optics Communications, 217, № 1-6, 2003, 299  crossref
  5. Xiao-Tao Xie, Mihai Macovei, Martin Kiffner, Christoph H. Keitel, “Probing quantum superposition states with few-cycle laser pulses”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 26, № 10, 2009, 1912  crossref
  6. Lingchao Li, Xiangming Hu, Shi Rao, Jun Xu, “Noise squeezing of fields that bichromatically excite atoms in a cavity”, Opt. Express, 24, № 23, 2016, 26536  crossref