41 citations to 10.1007/BF01580897 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. John E. Mitchell, 1997, Operations Research Proceedings 1997, 1998, 114  crossref
  2. C.C. de Souza, M. Laurent, “Some new classes of facets for the equicut polytope”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 62, № 1-3, 1995, 167  crossref
  3. Markus Chimani, Philipp Hungerländer, Michael Jünger, Petra Mutzel, “An SDP approach to multi-level crossing minimization”, ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics, 17, 2012  crossref
  4. Antoine Deza, Michel Deza, Komei Fukuda, 1120, Combinatorics and Computer Science, 1996, 112  crossref
  5. Kyungchul Park, Kyungsik Lee, Sungsoo Park, “An extended formulation approach to the edge-weighted maximal clique problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 95, № 3, 1996, 671  crossref
  6. Andreas Eisenblätter, 2337, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 2002, 273  crossref
  7. Caterina De Simone, Michel Deza, Monique Laurent, “Collapsing and lifting for the cut cone”, Discrete Mathematics, 127, № 1-3, 1994, 105  crossref
  8. Marcel Hunting, Ulrich Faigle, Walter Kern, “A Lagrangian relaxation approach to the edge-weighted clique problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 131, № 1, 2001, 119  crossref
  9. John E. Mitchell, “Computational Experience with an Interior Point Cutting Plane Algorithm”, SIAM J. Optim., 10, № 4, 2000, 1212  crossref
  10. Michael M. Sørensen, “Facet-defining inequalities for the simple graph partitioning polytope”, Discrete Optimization, 4, № 2, 2007, 221  crossref