5 citations to 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2012.08.007 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. ARTEM A. LOPATIN, IVAN P. SHESTAKOV, “ASSOCIATIVE NIL-ALGEBRAS OVER FINITE FIELDS”, Int. J. Algebra Comput., 23, № 08, 2013, 1881  crossref
  2. Mark V. Sapir, Combinatorial Algebra: Syntax and Semantics, 2014, 161  crossref
  3. Mátyás Domokos, “Polynomial bound for the nilpotency index of finitely generated nil algebras”, Alg. Number Th., 12, № 5, 2018, 1233  crossref
  4. Artem Lopatin, “Minimal system of generators for O(4)-invariants of two skew-symmetric matrices”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66, № 2, 2018, 347  crossref
  5. Harm Derksen, Visu Makam, “Generating invariant rings of quivers in arbitrary characteristic”, Journal of Algebra, 489, 2017, 435  crossref