36 citations to 10.1016/S0277-5387(97)00256-8 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Miguel Burgos‐Ruiz, Kerstin Elert, Encarnacion Ruiz‐Agudo, Helmut Cölfen, Carlos Rodriguez‐Navarro, “Silica‐Functionalized Nanolimes for the Conservation of Stone Heritage”, Small, 19, № 33, 2023, 2300596  crossref
  2. Venkata Krishnan, Silvia Gross, Sonja Müller, Lidia Armelao, Eugenio Tondello, Helmut Bertagnolli, “Structural Investigations on the Hydrolysis and Condensation Behavior of Pure and Chemically Modified Alkoxides. 1. Transition Metal (Hf and Ta) Alkoxides”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, № 26, 2007, 7501  crossref
  3. T Tätte, T Avarmaa, R Lõhmus, U Mäeorg, M.-E Pistol, R Raid, I Sildos, A Lõhmus, “Transparent and conductive Sb-doped tin oxide SPM tips prepared by sol–gel method”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 19, № 1-2, 2002, 101  crossref
  4. Liliane G Hubert-Pfalzgraf, Valérie Abada, Jacqueline Vaissermann, “Formation of mixed-metal alkoxides mediated by the reactivity of coordinated pinacol”, Polyhedron, 18, № 26, 1999, 3497  crossref
  5. D.C. Bradley, R.C. Mehrotra, I.P. Rothwell, A. Singh, Alkoxo and Aryloxo Derivatives of Metals, 2001, 3  crossref
  6. N. Y. TUROVA, E. P. TUREVSKAYA, M. I. YANOVSKAYA, A. I. YANOVSKY, V. G. KESSLER, D. E. TCHEBOUKOV, “ChemInform Abstract: Physicochemical Approach to the Studies of Metal Alkoxides”, ChemInform, 29, № 34, 1998, chin.199834306  crossref
  7. V.G. Kessler, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, 2019  crossref
  8. Abdillahi Omar Bouh, Gordon L. Rice, Susannah L. Scott, “Mono- and Dinuclear Silica-Supported Titanium(IV) Complexes and the Effect of TiOTi Connectivity on Reactivity”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, № 31, 1999, 7201  crossref
  9. Taimur Athar, Jeong Oh Kwon, Sang Il Seok, “Preparation of multicomponent oxides via non-hydrolytic sol–gel routes from novel bimetallic alkoxides”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 178, № 5, 2005, 1464  crossref
  10. Vadim G. Kessler, Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018, 31  crossref