70 citations to 10.1093/nar/gkh466 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Juan Caballero, Gustavo Glusman, 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, 2009, 1  crossref
  2. V. V. Suslov, D. A. Afonnikov, N. L. Podkolodny, Yu. L. Orlov, “Genome features and GC content in prokaryotic genomes in connection with environmental evolution”, Paleontol. J., 47, № 9, 2013, 1056  crossref
  3. Yong Tat Tan, Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi, “FPGA-based hardware accelerator for the prediction of protein secondary class via fuzzy K-nearest neighbors with Lempel–Ziv complexity based distance measure”, Neurocomputing, 148, 2015, 409  crossref
  4. Katie E Weeks, Nadia A Chuzhanova, Iain S Donnison, Ian M Scott, “Evolutionary hierarchies of conserved blocks in 5'-noncoding sequences of dicot rbcS genes”, BMC Evol Biol, 7, № 1, 2007, 51  crossref
  5. Chun Li, Ai‐hua Wang, Lili Xing, “Similarity of RNA secondary structures”, J Comput Chem, 28, № 2, 2007, 508  crossref
  6. Ruslan Kalendar, David Lee, Alan H. Schulman, “Java web tools for PCR, in silico PCR, and oligonucleotide assembly and analysis”, Genomics, 98, № 2, 2011, 137  crossref
  7. Ruslan Kalendar, David Lee, Alan H. Schulman, 1116, DNA Cloning and Assembly Methods, 2014, 271  crossref
  8. Wolfgang Schüler, Ignas Bunikis, Jacqueline Weber-Lehman, Pär Comstedt, Sabrina Kutschan-Bunikis, Gerold Stanek, Jutta Huber, Andreas Meinke, Sven Bergström, Urban Lundberg, Brian Stevenson, “Complete Genome Sequence of Borrelia afzelii K78 and Comparative Genome Analysis”, PLoS ONE, 10, № 3, 2015, e0120548  crossref
  9. Esteban Pérez-Wohlfeil, Sergio Diaz-del-Pino, Oswaldo Trelles, “Ultra-fast genome comparison for large-scale genomic experiments”, Sci Rep, 9, № 1, 2019, 10274  crossref
  10. Yoshiya J. Matsubara, Kunihiko Kaneko, “Kinetic Selection of Template Polymer with Complex Sequences”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, № 11, 2018, 118101  crossref