12 citations to 10.1063/1.1476391 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Gerardo A. Paz-Silva, Gavin K. Brennen, Jason Twamley, “Globally controlled universal quantum computation with arbitrary subsystem dimension”, Phys. Rev. A, 80, № 5, 2009, 052318  crossref
  2. Yuchen Wang, Zixuan Hu, Sabre Kais, Photonic Quantum Technologies, 2023, 651  crossref
  3. Yuchen Wang, Zixuan Hu, Barry C. Sanders, Sabre Kais, “Qudits and High-Dimensional Quantum Computing”, Front. Phys., 8, 2020, 589504  crossref
  4. Jun Zhang, Jiri Vala, Shankar Sastry, K. Birgitta Whaley, “Geometric theory of nonlocal two-qubit operations”, Phys. Rev. A, 67, № 4, 2003, 042313  crossref
  5. V. E. Zobov, A. S. Ermilov, “Implementation of a quantum adiabatic algorithm for factorization on two qudits”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 114, № 6, 2012, 923  crossref
  6. Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Isaac L. Chuang, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, “Qudit-Basis Universal Quantum Computation Usingχ(2)Interactions”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, № 16, 2018, 160502  crossref
  7. Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Anupam Mitra, Eric J. Meier, Michael J. Martin, Ivan H. Deutsch, “Qudit Entanglers Using Quantum Optimal Control”, PRX Quantum, 4, № 4, 2023, 040333  crossref
  8. Gavin Brennen, Dianne O’Leary, Stephen Bullock, “Criteria for exact qudit universality”, Phys. Rev. A, 71, № 5, 2005, 052318  crossref
  9. V. E. Zobov, V. P. Shauro, “On time-optimal NMR control of states of qutrits represented by quadrupole nuclei with the spin I = 1”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 113, № 2, 2011, 181  crossref
  10. A. S. Ermilov, V. E. Zobov, “Representation of the quantum Fourier transform on multilevel basic elements by a sequence of selective rotation operators”, Opt. Spectrosc., 103, № 6, 2007, 969  crossref