314 citations to 10.1142/3907 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Espen R. Jakobsen, Kenneth H. Karlsen, Claudia La Chioma, “Error estimates for approximate solutions to Bellman equations associated with controlled jump-diffusions”, Numer. Math., 110, № 2, 2008, 221  crossref
  2. Dileep G. Dhavale, “Cost Considerations in Optimal Capacity Acquisition: An Option Pricing Approach”, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 17, № 1, 2005, 75  crossref
  3. Yurii N. Grigoriev, Nail H. Ibragimov, Vladimir F. Kovalev, Sergey V. Meleshko, 806, Symmetries of Integro-Differential Equations, 2010, 209  crossref
  4. Anatoliy V. Swishchuk, “Pricing of Variance and Volatility Swaps with Semi-Markov Volatilities”, SSRN Journal, 2009  crossref
  5. N. E. Frangos, S. D. Vrontos, A. N. Yannacopoulos, “Reinsurance control in a model with liabilities of the fractional Brownian motion type”, Appl Stoch Models Bus & Ind, 23, № 5, 2007, 403  crossref
  6. Feng Xu, Runze Li, “The pricing formulas of compound option based on the sub-fractional Brownian motion model”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1053, 2018, 012027  crossref
  7. Oleg Kudryavtsev, Natalia Danilova, “APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS TO SIMULATING LÉVY PROCESSES”, J Math Sci, 271, № 4, 2023, 421  crossref
  8. N H Bingham, Rüdiger Kiesel, “Semi-parametric modelling in finance: theoretical foundations”, Quantitative Finance, 2, № 4, 2002, 241  crossref
  9. Albert N. Shiryaev, Problems in Probability, 2012, 181  crossref
  10. Jarno Talponen, “On volatility smile and an investment strategy with out-of-the-money calls”, Math Finan Econ, 10, № 2, 2016, 113  crossref