9 citations to 10.1088/0266-5611/26/9/095011 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Matti Lassas, Lauri Oksanen, “Inverse problem for the Riemannian wave equation with Dirichlet data and Neumann data on disjoint sets”, Duke Math. J., 163, № 6, 2014  crossref
  2. S J Hamilton, M Lassas, S Siltanen, “A direct reconstruction method for anisotropic electrical impedance tomography”, Inverse Problems, 30, № 7, 2014, 075007  crossref
  3. Gennadi Henkin, Matteo Santacesaria, “Gel’fand–Calderón’s Inverse Problem for Anisotropic Conductivities on Bordered Surfaces in ℝ3”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2012, № 4, 2012, 781  crossref
  4. Romina Gaburro, Eva Sincich, “Lipschitz stability for the inverse conductivity problem for a conformal class of anisotropic conductivities”, Inverse Problems, 31, № 1, 2015, 015008  crossref
  5. Vincent Michel, “The Two-Dimensional Inverse Conductivity Problem”, J Geom Anal, 30, № 3, 2020, 2776  crossref
  6. J L Mueller, S Siltanen, “The D-bar method for electrical impedance tomography—demystified”, Inverse Problems, 36, № 9, 2020, 093001  crossref
  7. Pierre Albin, Colin Guillarmou, Leo Tzou, Gunther Uhlmann, “Inverse Boundary Problems for Systems in Two Dimensions”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14, № 6, 2013, 1551  crossref
  8. Sarah Jane Hamilton, A. Hauptmann, “Deep D-Bar: Real-Time Electrical Impedance Tomography Imaging With Deep Neural Networks”, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 37, № 10, 2018, 2367  crossref
  9. S J Hamilton, J L Mueller, T R Santos, “Robust computation in 2D absolute EIT (a-EIT) using D-bar methods with the ‘exp’ approximation”, Physiol. Meas., 39, № 6, 2018, 064005  crossref