41 citations to 10.1016/j.laa.2014.03.023 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Changqing Xu, “Hankel tensors, Vandermonde tensors and their positivities”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 491, 2016, 56  crossref
  2. Haibin Chen, Liqun Qi, “Positive definiteness and semi-definiteness of even order symmetric Cauchy tensors”, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 11, № 4, 2015, 1263  crossref
  3. Weiyang Ding, Liqun Qi, Yimin Wei, “Inheritance properties and sum-of-squares decomposition of Hankel tensors: theory and algorithms”, Bit Numer Math, 57, № 1, 2017, 169  crossref
  4. Weiyang Ding, Liqun Qi, Yimin Wei, “Fast Hankel tensor–vector product and its application to exponential data fitting”, Numerical Linear Algebra App, 22, № 5, 2015, 814  crossref
  5. Antoine Gautier, Francesco Tudisco, “The contractivity of cone-preserving multilinear mappings”, Nonlinearity, 32, № 12, 2019, 4713  crossref
  6. Ziyan Luo, Liqun Qi, “Completely Positive Tensors: Properties, Easily Checkable Subclasses, and Tractable Relaxations”, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. & Appl., 37, № 4, 2016, 1675  crossref
  7. Yuning Yang, Chang Liang, “Computing the Largest C-Eigenvalue of a Tensor Using Convex Relaxation”, J Optim Theory Appl, 192, № 2, 2022, 648  crossref
  8. Wei Mei, Yisheng Song, “Infinite and finite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensors”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 532, 2017, 8  crossref
  9. Liqun Qi, Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan, 2018, 1075  crossref
  10. Haitao Che, Haibin Chen, Yiju Wang, “M-positive semi-definiteness and M-positive definiteness of fourth-order partially symmetric Cauchy tensors”, J Inequal Appl, 2019, № 1, 2019, 32  crossref