14 citations to 10.3390/machines9060117 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexey Fomin, Anton Antonov, “Position, velocity, and acceleration analyses of a reconfigurable parallel mechanism (hexapod) equipped with a single motor”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 93, 2022, 104392  crossref
  2. Mangesh Vikhe, Nayan Bothra, Neha Malaviya, Mayank Kothari, Rahul Koshti, 2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, (DICCT), 2023, 346  crossref
  3. Sigitas Kilikevičius, Kristina Liutkauskienė, Algimantas Fedaravičius, “Nonprehensile Manipulation of Parts on a Horizontal Circularly Oscillating Platform with Dynamic Dry Friction Control”, Sensors, 21, № 16, 2021, 5581  crossref
  4. Alexey Fomin, Anton Antonov, Sergey Kiselev, “A new class of foldable mechanisms with a circular rail—FoldRail mechanisms”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 189, 2023, 105425  crossref