48 citations to 10.1006/jcom.1993.1004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Kateryna Pozharska, Tino Ullrich, “A Note on Sampling Recovery of Multivariate Functions in the Uniform Norm”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 60, № 3, 2022, 1363  crossref
  2. M. Gnewuch, M. Wnuk, “Explicit error bounds for randomized Smolyak algorithms and an application to infinite-dimensional integration”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 251, 2020, 105342  crossref
  3. Dinh Dũng, “B-Spline Quasi-Interpolation Sampling Representation and Sampling Recovery in Sobolev Spaces of Mixed Smoothness”, Acta Math Vietnam, 43, № 1, 2018, 83  crossref
  4. Jiang Yanjie, “Approximation of anisotropic classes by standard information”, Journal of Complexity, 24, № 2, 2008, 198  crossref
  5. F. Dai, A. Prymak, V. N. Temlyakov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Integral norm discretization and related problems”, Russ. Math. Surv., 74, № 4, 2019, 579  crossref
  6. Gensun Fang, Fred J. Hickernell, Huan Li, “Approximation on anisotropic Besov classes with mixed norms by standard information”, Journal of Complexity, 21, № 3, 2005, 294  crossref
  7. Glenn Byrenheid, Dinh Dũng, Winfried Sickel, Tino Ullrich, “Sampling on energy-norm based sparse grids for the optimal recovery of Sobolev type functions inHγ”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 207, 2016, 207  crossref
  8. Xiaopeng Luo, Xin Xu, Herschel Rabitz, “On the fundamental conjecture of HDMR: a Fourier analysis approach”, J Math Chem, 55, № 2, 2017, 632  crossref
  9. V N Temlyakov, “Constructive sparse trigonometric approximation and other problems for functions with mixed smoothness”, Sb. Math., 206, № 11, 2015, 1628  crossref
  10. V. Temlyakov, S. Tikhonov, “Remez-Type and Nikol’skii-Type Inequalities: General Relations and the Hyperbolic Cross Polynomials”, Constr Approx, 46, № 3, 2017, 593  crossref