41 citations to 10.1038/s41567-017-0001-z (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Florian Metzler, Jorge I Sandoval, Nicola Galvanetto, “The emergence of quantum energy science”, J. Phys. Energy, 5, № 4, 2023, 041001  crossref
  2. R. Ganesh, L. Theerthagiri, G. Baskaran, “Resonating valence bonds and spinon pairing in the Dicke model”, SciPost Phys., 4, № 6, 2018, 044  crossref
  3. Dominik Lentrodt, Kilian P. Heeg, Christoph H. Keitel, Jörg Evers, “Ab initio quantum models for thin-film x-ray cavity QED”, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, № 2, 2020, 023396  crossref
  4. Kilian P. Heeg, Andreas Kaldun, Cornelius Strohm, Christian Ott, Rajagopalan Subramanian, Dominik Lentrodt, Johann Haber, Hans-Christian Wille, Stephan Goerttler, Rudolf Rüffer, Christoph H. Keitel, Ralf Röhlsberger, Thomas Pfeifer, Jörg Evers, “Coherent X-ray−optical control of nuclear excitons”, Nature, 590, № 7846, 2021, 401  crossref
  5. Faris Gel’mukhanov, Michael Odelius, Sergey P. Polyutov, Alexander Föhlisch, Victor Kimberg, “Dynamics of resonant x-ray and Auger scattering”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 93, № 3, 2021, 035001  crossref
  6. Kenta Kitano, Haruka Maeda, “Spatiotemporal profile of yoked superfluorescence from Rb vapor in the strong-excitation regime”, Phys. Rev. A, 97, № 6, 2018, 063418  crossref
  7. Xiangjin Kong, Darrick E. Chang, Adriana Pálffy, “Green's-function formalism for resonant interaction of x rays with nuclei in structured media”, Phys. Rev. A, 102, № 3, 2020, 033710  crossref
  8. Haechan An, Yoonchan Jeong, “Numerical study of superradiant mixing by an unsynchronized superradiant state of multiple atomic ensembles”, Opt. Express, 28, № 15, 2020, 22276  crossref
  9. K. Kitano, H. Tomida, D. Takei, H. Maeda, “Polarization correlation in the superfluorescent decay process”, Opt. Lett., 46, № 19, 2021, 5055  crossref
  10. Tian-Jun Li, Xin-Chao Huang, Zi-Ru Ma, Bo Li, Lin-Fan Zhu, “Probing the dissipation process via a Fano resonance and collective effects in an x-ray cavity”, Phys. Rev. Research, 4, № 2, 2022, 023081  crossref