22 citations to 10.7868/S086956521335003X; 10.1134/S1064562413060239 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. D. A. Podoprikhin, T. N. Fomenko, “On coincidences of families of mappings on ordered sets”, Dokl. Math., 94, № 3, 2016, 620  crossref
  2. S. Benarab, Z. T. Zhukovskaya, E. S. Zhukovskiy, S. E. Zhukovskiy, “Functional and Differential Inequalities and Their Applications to Control Problems”, Diff Equat, 56, № 11, 2020, 1440  crossref
  3. Tatiana Fomenko, Dmitrii Podoprikhin, “On Preservation of Common Fixed Points and Coincidences Under a Homotopy of Mapping Families of Ordered Sets”, J Optim Theory Appl, 180, № 1, 2019, 34  crossref
  4. D. A. Podoprikhin, “Fixed points of mappings on ordered sets”, Lobachevskii J Math, 38, № 6, 2017, 1069  crossref
  5. Irina D. Serova, “Study of the boundary value problem for a differential inclusion”, Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics, № 144, 2023, 395  crossref
  6. T.N. Fomenko, D.A. Podoprikhin, “Common fixed points and coincidences of mapping families on partially ordered sets”, Topology and its Applications, 221, 2017, 275  crossref
  7. Tatyana Vladimirovna Zhukovskaya, Ilya Alekseevich Zabrodskiy, Marina Vasilevna Borzova, “ON STABILITY OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS IN PARTIALLY ORDERED SPACES”, Tamb. Un. Rep. Ser. Nat. Tech. Sci., № 123, 2018, 386  crossref
  8. Aram V. Arutyunov, Sergey E. Zhukovskiy, 2017 Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics (dedicated to the memory of V.F. Demyanov) (CNSA), 2017, 1  crossref
  9. D. A. Podoprikhin, T. N. Fomenko, “Preservation of the existence of fixed and coincidence points under homotopy of mappings of ordered sets”, Dokl. Math., 96, № 3, 2017, 591  crossref
  10. S. E. Zhukovskiy, 318, Mathematical Analysis With Applications, 2020, 45  crossref