29 citations to 10.1109/81.633881 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Mykola Lysetskiy, Jacek M. Zurada, “Bifurcating neuron: computation and learning”, Neural Networks, 17, № 2, 2004, 225  crossref
  2. Andrzej Stefański, Jerzy Wojewoda, Tomasz Kapitaniak, Serhiy Yanchuk, “Simple estimation of synchronization threshold in ensembles of diffusively coupled chaotic systems”, Phys. Rev. E, 70, № 2, 2004, 026217  crossref
  3. Andrzej Stefański, Jerzy Wojewoda, Tomasz Kapitaniak, 3743, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 2006, 321  crossref
  4. V. N. Belykh, N. L. Komrakov, B. S. Ukrainskii, “Synchronous manifold and hyperbolicity in a system of coupled identical multidimensional mappings”, J Math Sci, 144, № 1, 2007, 3749  crossref
  5. Louis M. Pecora, “Synchronization of oscillators in complex networks”, Pramana - J Phys, 70, № 6, 2008, 1175  crossref
  6. M. A. Jafarizadeh, S. Behnia, E. Faizi, S. Ahadpour, “Global Synchronization & Anti-Synchronization in N-Coupled Map Lattices”, Int J Theor Phys, 47, № 4, 2008, 1005  crossref
  7. Bernard Cazelles, Samuele Bottani, Lewi Stone, “Unexpected coherence and conservation”, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 268, № 1485, 2001, 2595  crossref
  8. Ali A. Minai, “Using chaos to produce synchronized stochastic dynamics in non-homogeneous map arrays with a random scalar coupling”, Physics Letters A, 251, № 1, 1999, 31  crossref
  9. Vladimir N. Belykh, Igor V. Belykh, Martin Hasler, “Hierarchy and stability of partially synchronous oscillations of diffusively coupled dynamical systems”, Phys. Rev. E, 62, № 5, 2000, 6332  crossref
  10. Ali A. Minai, Tirunelveli Anand, “Synchronization of chaotic maps through a noisy coupling channel with application to digital communication”, Phys. Rev. E, 59, № 1, 1999, 312  crossref