72 citations to 10.1007/s002200050182 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Aditya Shashi, Leonid I. Glazman, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Adilet Imambekov, “Nonuniversal prefactors in the correlation functions of one-dimensional quantum liquids”, Phys. Rev. B, 84, № 4, 2011, 045408  crossref
  2. Andrzej Syrwid, Krzysztof Sacha, “Lieb-Liniger model: Emergence of dark solitons in the course of measurements of particle positions”, Phys. Rev. A, 92, № 3, 2015, 032110  crossref
  3. Kayo Kinjo, Jun Sato, Tetsuo Deguchi, “Dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons and an exact finite-size scaling of Bose–Einstein condensation”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 56, № 16, 2023, 164001  crossref
  4. D. Jukić, R. Pezer, T. Gasenzer, H. Buljan, “Free expansion of a Lieb-Liniger gas: Asymptotic form of the wave functions”, Phys. Rev. A, 78, № 5, 2008, 053602  crossref
  5. Andrzej Syrwid, Mirosław Brewczyk, Mariusz Gajda, Krzysztof Sacha, “Single-shot simulations of dynamics of quantum dark solitons”, Phys. Rev. A, 94, № 2, 2016, 023623  crossref
  6. Miłosz Panfil, “The two particle–hole pairs contribution to the dynamic correlation functions of quantum integrable models”, J. Stat. Mech., 2021, № 1, 2021, 013108  crossref
  7. Никита Андреевич Славнов, Nikita Andreevich Slavnov, “Интегральные уравнения для корреляционных функций квантового одномерного бозе-газа”, ТМФ, 121, № 1, 1999, 117  crossref
  8. Lorenzo Piroli, Pasquale Calabrese, “Exact dynamics following an interaction quench in a one-dimensional anyonic gas”, Phys. Rev. A, 96, № 2, 2017, 023611  crossref
  9. Balázs Pozsgay, Willem-Victor van Gerven Oei, Márton Kormos, “On form factors in nested Bethe Ansatz systems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45, № 46, 2012, 465007  crossref
  10. Lorenzo Piroli, Pasquale Calabrese, “Exact formulas for the form factors of local operators in the Lieb–Liniger model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 48, № 45, 2015, 454002  crossref