224 citations to 10.1029/2000GL011395 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Gege Hui, Sanzhong Li, Pengcheng Wang, Junjiang Zhu, Lingli Guo, Qian Wang, I.D. Somerville, “Neotectonic implications and regional stress field constraints on mud volcanoes in offshore southwestern Taiwan”, Marine Geology, 403, 2018, 109  crossref
  2. Ramesh P. Singh, Waseem Mehdi, Ritesh Gautam, J. Senthil Kumar, Jacques Zlotnicki, Menas Kafatos, “Precursory signals using satellite and ground data associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake of 12 May 2008”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, № 13, 2010, 3341  crossref
  3. Dhananjali Singh, Birbal Singh, Devbrat Pundhir, “Ionospheric perturbations due to earthquakes as determined from VLF and GPS-TEC data analysis at Agra, India”, Advances in Space Research, 61, № 7, 2018, 1952  crossref
  4. Linyue Wang, Zhitao Li, Yifang Chen, Jianjun Wang, Jihua Fu, “MaxEnt SeismoSense Model: Ionospheric Earthquake Anomaly Detection Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle”, Atmosphere, 15, № 4, 2024, 419  crossref
  5. Jian Yang, Yiyan Zhou, Jian Lin, Fanfan Su, Wenbin Shen, “Possible seismo-ionospheric precursor of the 12 February 2014 Yutian earthquake in China”, J Earth Syst Sci, 128, № 3, 2019, 53  crossref
  6. Seiya Uyeda, Toshiyasu Nagao, Masashi Kamogawa, “Short-term earthquake prediction: Current status of seismo-electromagnetics”, Tectonophysics, 470, № 3-4, 2009, 205  crossref
  7. J. Y. Liu, H. Le, Y. I. Chen, C. H. Chen, L. Liu, W. Wan, Y. Z. Su, Y. Y. Sun, C. H. Lin, M. Q. Chen, “Observations and simulations of seismoionospheric GPS total electron content anomalies before the 12 January 2010M7 Haiti earthquake”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, № A4, 2011, n/a  crossref
  8. Kenji Ohta, Nobuo Watanabe, Masashi Hayakawa, “Survey of anomalous Schumann resonance phenomena observed in Japan, in possible association with earthquakes in Taiwan”, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 31, № 4-9, 2006, 397  crossref
  9. Seçil KARATAY, Muna ALGAHANI, “1999 Marmara Depremi ve Güneş Tutulmasının Naive Bayes Sınıflayıcısı ile İstatistiksel Analizi”, European Journal of Science and Technology, 2021  crossref
  10. Biqiang Zhao, Min Wang, Tao Yu, Weixing Wan, Jiuhou Lei, Libo Liu, Baiqi Ning, “Is an unusual large enhancement of ionospheric electron density linked with the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake?”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, № A11, 2008, 2008JA013613  crossref