54 citations to 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00290-9 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Xin Zou, Zhongxun Zhu, Hongyan Lu, “The extremal structures of k‐uniform unicyclic hypergraphs on Wiener index”, Int J of Quantum Chemistry, 120, № 3, 2020, e26091  crossref
  2. Cui-Na Jiao, Ying-Lian Gao, Na Yu, Jin-Xing Liu, Lian-Yong Qi, “Hyper-Graph Regularized Constrained NMF for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes and Tumor Classification”, IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform., 24, № 10, 2020, 3002  crossref
  3. Ke Zhang, Haixing Zhao, Zhonglin Ye, Yu Zhu, Liang Wei, “The Bounds of the Edge Number in Generalized Hypertrees”, Mathematics, 7, № 1, 2018, 2  crossref
  4. Bouchaour Hamza Cherif, Haffaf Hafid, 2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2020, 106  crossref
  5. Ovidiu Ivanciuc, Handbook of Chemoinformatics, 2003, 139  crossref
  6. N. Feyza Yalçın, “On Laplacian Energy of r-Uniform Hypergraphs”, Symmetry, 15, № 2, 2023, 382  crossref
  7. Ning Wang, Weisheng Xu, Zhiyu Xu, Weihui Shao, 2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2016, 1202  crossref
  8. Samuel Ewing, G. Stacey Staples, “Zeon and Idem-Clifford Formulations of Hypergraph Problems”, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 32, № 5, 2022, 61  crossref
  9. Jin-Li Guo, Xin-Yun Zhu, Qi Suo, Jeffrey Forrest, “Non-uniform Evolving Hypergraphs and Weighted Evolving Hypergraphs”, Sci Rep, 6, № 1, 2016, 36648  crossref
  10. Sakina Ashraf, Muhammad Imran, Syed Ahtsham Ul Haq Bokhary, Shehnaz Akhter, “The Wiener index, degree distance index and Gutman index of composite hypergraphs and sunflower hypergraphs”, Heliyon, 8, № 12, 2022, e12382  crossref