16 citations to 10.1007/s000390050066 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Joe J. Perez, “The G-Fredholm Property of the $\bar{\partial}$ -Neumann Problem”, J Geom Anal, 19, № 1, 2009, 87  crossref
  2. M. Gromov, Essays in Mathematics and its Applications, 2012, 151  crossref
  3. Joe J. Perez, Peter Stollmann, “Essential self-adjointness, generalized eigenforms, and spectra for the∂¯-Neumann problem on G-manifolds”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 261, № 9, 2011, 2717  crossref
  4. Giuseppe Della Sala, Joe J. Perez, “Bergman spaces of natural G-manifolds”, Advances in Mathematics, 247, 2013, 103  crossref
  5. Zhiqin Lu, Steve Zelditch, “Szegő kernels and Poincaré series”, JAMA, 130, № 1, 2016, 167  crossref
  6. Huan Wang, “The growth of dimension of cohomology of semipositive line bundles on Hermitian manifolds”, Math. Z., 297, № 1-2, 2021, 339  crossref