- Elham Hashemizadeh, Mohammad Ali Ebadi, Samad Noeiaghdam, “Matrix Method by Genocchi Polynomials for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations with Weakly Singular Kernels”, Symmetry, 12, № 12, 2020, 2105

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Denis Sidorov, “Integral Equations: Theories, Approximations, and Applications”, Symmetry, 13, № 8, 2021, 1402

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Denis Sidorov, Alyona Zamyshlyaeva, Aleksandr Tynda, Aliona Dreglea, “A Valid Dynamical Control on the Reverse Osmosis System Using the CESTAC Method”, Mathematics, 9, № 1, 2020, 48

- Gamal M. Ismail, Maha M. El-Moshneb, Mohra Zayed, “A modified global error minimization method for solving nonlinear Duffing-harmonic oscillators”, MATH, 8, № 1, 2023, 484

- Mohsen Tadi, Miloje Radenkovic, “Non-Iterative Solution Methods for Cauchy Problems for Laplace and Helmholtz Equation in Annulus Domain”, Mathematics, 9, № 3, 2021, 268

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Aliona Dreglea, Hüseyin Işık, Muhammad Suleman, “A Comparative Study between Discrete Stochastic Arithmetic and Floating-Point Arithmetic to Validate the Results of Fractional Order Model of Malaria Infection”, Mathematics, 9, № 12, 2021, 1435

- Alexander A. Minakov, Christoph Schick, “Integro-Differential Equation for the Non-Equilibrium Thermal Response of Glass-Forming Materials: Analytical Solutions”, Symmetry, 13, № 2, 2021, 256

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Denis Sidorov, Abdul-Majid Wazwaz, Nikolai Sidorov, Valery Sizikov, “The Numerical Validation of the Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Volterra Integral Equation with Discontinuous Kernels Using the CESTAC Method”, Mathematics, 9, № 3, 2021, 260

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Denis Sidorov, 1476, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: Recent Trends, 2021, 493

- Samad Noeiaghdam, Sanda Micula, Juan J. Nieto, “A Novel Technique to Control the Accuracy of a Nonlinear Fractional Order Model of COVID-19: Application of the CESTAC Method and the CADNA Library”, Mathematics, 9, № 12, 2021, 1321